Vaseline may be just petroleum jelly but this little product can do many things. some of you might already know some of these tips but for those who don't I hope this helps you. Here are some simple and easy ways to use it:

1.) Exfoliate Slather some Vaseline onto your lips, take a toothbrush and brush it onto your lips. Don't brush to hard but just enough to remove the dead skin cells on your lips. It can be a regular toothbrush or an electric one. This makes your lips softer.

2.) Restore or Renew and make into lip gloss or shiny cream shadow. If you have any cracked or unwanted blush or eyeshadow why not use them for something else? Get a dish/bowl and squirt some Vaseline into it. Then, take your cracked/unwanted eyeshadow/blush and mix it with the Vaseline. You can add more pigments for the intensity of the color, if you want. Mix thoroughly using a plastic spoon and make sure there are no chunks of eyeshadow/blush left. Test the color out and see if you like it. Then scoop it up with a spoon and transfer it to a small jar, etc. For the jar if you used the mineral eyeshadow/blush like this:

Then just take the sifter out of the jar and place the lip gloss/shiny cream eyeshadow in there.
That's all I have for now but if I find any more uses for Vaseline I will do an update. Hope this helped you guys!
I love vaseline's hand cream! Such an inexpensive product but it delivers what it promises. Good tips!